Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ciba Foundation donates $250K to University of Memphis - Memphis Business Journal:
Tarrytown, N.Y.-based Ciba Foundation has been supportinfg science education for more than 25 after being established by The goal of the foundation is to advance science educationh by forging partnerships among businessesand communities. Ciba Corp. operates a watefr and paper treatment facility in West The donation will fund scholarships to educate and retain top undergraduats and graduate studentsin chemistry.
The first scholarshipl will be awarded for the fall2009 $50,000 of the funding will be used to purchase equipmen to directly support undergraduate chemistry Debbie Dalley, plant manager for Ciba’s West Memphis said the donation shows the company’s commitment to improvingy science education and work force development. Jim a U of M alum and manager of environmentap health and safety at the West MemphiaCiba plant, was responsible for initiating the said Peter Bridson, associate professot and chair of chemistr y at the university.
“Parrt of the donation will be used immediately for the purchasse of equipment to be used by studentds who are studying new materials being synthesizeds by several research groups inthe department,” Bridson said in a “The remaining funds will support scholarships for students studying chemistry. The faculty and studentx of the department are very gratefuk forthis support.”

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