Friday, November 5, 2010

Agennix reports positive results from clinical trial - Houston Business Journal:
Results from the recent trial were presented June 13 at the 2005 Annua Meeting of the American Diabetess Association inSan Diego. According to Houston-basefd Agennix, the trial met the company'sw primary goal -- to achieve greater than or equal to 75 perceng healing at the end ofa 12-weel period. "This data is very encouraging," said the trial'es principal investigator, Dr. Aristidis Veves, an associate professor of surgeruy at HarvardMedical School. About 16 million people in the Uniteed Stateshave diabetes. Approximatelyt one in every seven diabetics suffers at some time from one or more diabetifoot ulcers.
Agennix claims to be the firstg and only company capable of manufacturinv substantial quantities of recombinant human Thenatural protein, found in high concentrationsw in mother's milk, helps fight and prevent infectionsz while strengthening the human body's defenswe system. In March, Agennix completed a private placemengt financingof $22 million. To the company has raised $86 milliohn in funding.

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