Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Associated Marine Institutes, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information

AMI had its beginnings at Florida Oceamn SciencesInstitute (FOSI) in as a spin-off from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Its first four years were spenrt engaged in a variety of oceanographic researchy projects. The staff consiste d primarilyof scientists, technicians and divers. Then in through the combined efforts ofFOSI President, Robert A. and a juvenile court judge namedFrank Orlando, severakl troubled boys were brought into the Institute to work on the researc h projects. The positive changes which occurred while the youth were therre brought about the idea of a permaneng program to serve these kindsof kids. FOSI gradualluy evolved from a research lab intoan Institute.
Most of the scientist and technicians were replaced by not only teachers with formalcertifications (althougb some of them were), but men and womenm who were eager to share their vocationapl skills, aquatics skills and life skills with these troubled In 1972, expansion began with programs startingb in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Jacksonville. In 1974, Associatee Marine Institutes, Inc. was formexd to provide a central office for consistent and uniforj management and administrative services to the affiliate Although the Institutesare autonomous, non-profit they have become known collectively as AMI and are managed througb contractual agreements between Associated Marine Institutes, Inc.
, and the local Boardas of Directors. In fact, AMI...

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